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Cole Harbour Hurricanes

Fitness for Life

An excerpt from the Hurricanes Handbook, last updated 2017.  Updates coming soon.


Swimming is our sport, fitness is our focus

   The Cole Harbour Hurricanes is an innovative summer swim team with a year-round fitness training program. Our coaches are dedicated to supporting the physical and emotional well-being of today’s youth through the art and discipline of competitive swimming.

Our goal is to assist you with your goals - we’ll help you set them and work with the goals you set for yourself. Along with learning, developing and improving stroke and turn technique, a strong emphasis will be placed on overall health, nutrition and fitness for life. Focus on teamwork, cooperation and good sportsmanship will develop lasting friendships.

It is important for all members of the team, coaches, volunteers, athletes, and families included, to work together to help achieve everyone’s goals. Your support and cooperation as a family and as a member of the Hurricane community will help to create a positive experience. 


While the Cole Harbour Hurricanes conducts a year-round training program, it is specifically a summer swim team and competes only in summer swim meets.

So what exactly is the difference between summer and winter swim teams?

Winter swimming is year-round, with no training limits and the ability to compete in meets throughout the year. The winter season is divided into short-course (25-metre pool) and long-course (50-metre pool) seasons. The latter occurs in the spring and summer and the timeframe involved often includes major international meets. Winter race distances range from anywhere between 50 - 1500 metres.

Summer swimmers have no training limits from June 1 to October 31. The meet season begins in July and ends late August with the Provincial Championships. Summer race distances range from 25 metres for young swimmers to between 50 - 400 metres for the older age groups. Athletes involved in other winter activities tend to prefer summer swimming because it still provides a competitive opportunity in a shorter season and more recreational manner. The majority of summer swim teams practice in outdoor pools; therefore, according to Swim Nova Scotia rules, there is a limit to the number of hours summer swimmers are permitted to train with a coach in the winter months in order to keep the playing field level. In Nova Scotia, summer swimmers are required to sign a document stating they have complied with specific rules because to exceed the limit can result in the loss of privileges as a summer swimmer.

In keeping with this policy, our year-round program is designed around the following goals and objectives:

  • To help athletes establish and achieve realistic personal goals;

  • To help athletes develop a thoughtful approach to fitness and nutrition;

  • To help athletes acquire skills that will enhance their health and fitness throughout their lives;

  • To help athletes develop confidence and a sense of pride and accomplishment in themselves;

  • To help athletes develop skills in becoming good team mates;  

  • To encourage participation in community activities;

  • To offer a environment in which to develop self-management and time-management skills

  • To help athletes improve their swimming technique and personal best times.

The fall/winter program is a maintenance program designed specifically for summer competitive swimmers. Each training group is scheduled for a number of practices per week, dependent upon age and lane space. Fall/winter training works on both endurance and technique. It is expected that athletes are engaged in other fitness promoting activities throughout the fall and winter in addition to their off-season swim training. While some athlete’s schedules may limit them, it is strongly recommended that all attempts be made to attend maximum weekly practices in order to achieve the full benefit of the program.

The spring/summer program is much more comprehensive, combining swimming, land training and nutrition components. Swim practices and land training sessions are from Monday to Friday; each athlete’s progress is in direct proportion to his or her attendance at all scheduled practices Athletes are placed in training groups and, while we strive to keep them with their peers, emphasis must first be placed on their skills. Therefore, it is not uncommon to see a variety of ages in one training group. Separate pool and land training groups provide opportunity for athletes to be challenged in both areas. Some land sessions allow combined training groups in order to facilitate an opportunity for team building.  


In order for our team to operate in a manner that ensures the enjoyment of all members while maintaining a high standard of coaching, certain guidelines must be followed. Respect, from and for ALL members of the team - coaches, volunteers, athletes, families - is essential for positive team development and spirit. As well, a certain amount of discipline is required when large groups of people are participating in events that directly or indirectly involve the team as a whole. Please review the following list of guidelines with your athlete and all members of your family.

While the athletes are on the pool deck and/or in the other training facilities, they are the responsibility of the coaches. Athletes must remain with the team at all times - they are not permitted to roam the pool deck or other training facilities, enter the water in any area not designated for the Hurricanes or leave the area without notifying the coaches. Any athlete not participating in a practice for any reason must remain in a designated area for the duration of that practice unless accompanied by a parent or guardian.

Only coaches, previously-assigned volunteers, and athletes participating in their designated practices are permitted on the pool deck. Practices may be observed from the mezzanine. In the event that mezzanine observers are interfering with or distracting from a training session, they will be asked to wait elsewhere until the session is over.

All family members are welcomed and encouraged to participate in land activities.

As per the Cole Harbour Hurricanes Parents Association Abuse and Harassment Policy and Code of Conduct form, any form of abuse and/or harassment towards any member of the Cole Harbour Hurricanes Parents Association, coaches and/or volunteers by same will not be tolerated and is subject to immediate removal from the program. A copy of the form is included in this Handbook for easy reference (please keep for your records). A complete copy of the Cole Harbour Hurricanes Abuse and Harassment Policy is available upon request.

Failure to sign and return the Abuse and Harassment Policy and Code of Conduct form within the first three practice sessions may result in an athlete being asked to refrain from participation until forms are submitted.

Questions and concerns regarding the schedule and/or coaching will be directed to the Program Coordinator. Please do not approach the coaches. In turn, the Program Coordinator will ensure all questions and concerns are directed appropriately and handled accordingly.

Parents may request an appointment through the coaching coordinator to discuss their athlete’s progress; this may involve invitation from the coaches to attend sessions on the pool deck.

Questions and concerns regarding the Cole Harbour Hurricanes Swim Team, Parents Association and/or policies and procedures in general will be directed to the President of the Cole Harbour Hurricanes Parents Association.


As outlined in this Handbook, our athletes have a lot to remember! However, there are many ways in which you can help. In most sports involving children, families have an obligation to both the children and the organisation responsible for the management of the activity in which the children are involved. Swimming, and our program in general, demands as much family involvement as any other sport. All questions, concerns and comments are welcome and encouraged. This not only provides families with an opportunity to learn more about our organisation but ensures we are learning more about our families’ needs.

Our coaches are required to be certified through the National Coaching Certification Program (NCCP). We are always evaluating our coaches, our program and our administrative requirements. And, as with most community-based organisations, volunteers work behind the scenes to facilitate this while helping to ensure a pleasant experience for every family. However, you are ultimately responsible for your athlete (s) and other family members. In order to ensure a positive experience for you, your athlete, and the Hurricanes, please review the following list of guidelines.

Review this Handbook with your athlete and ensure everyone involved is familiar with it.

Ensure your registration form is complete and up-to-date and includes MSI information, doctor and telephone number, any and all medical conditions and emergency contact information.

Review the Abuse and Harassment Policy and Code of Conduct form with your athlete and ensure everyone involved is familiar with it. Ensure you have signed and submitted this and all forms by the required deadline.

Ensure permission forms for meets and other events are signed and submitted by the required deadline to allow for your athlete’s inclusion in all events.
Ensure you are completely familiar with all schedules and check your email frequently for possible updates and/or changes.
Ensure your athlete gets to practice on time and that you or a designate are available immediately after practice to pick up your athlete.
Ensure that your athlete attends all training sessions with appropriate training gear and water.
Ensure swimsuits, caps, goggles, towels, clothing, sneakers, sports bags and other equipment are marked with your athlete’s name and the team name. Check your athlete’s bag before leaving any training or meet facility to ensure that you haven’t forgotten anything.

If you know your athlete will be late for practice please email Program Coordinator and Head Coach so we can ensure the coaches and/or instructors are notified. When your athlete is late you are responsible for ensuring he/she is at the appropriate location and that he/she has checked in with the coaches and/or instructors.

If your athlete needs to leave practice early please email Program Coordinator and Head Coach so we can ensure the coaches are notified. Athletes will not be permitted to leave practice early without such notification or a signed note from you indicating permission for them to leave early.

While it is acceptable to miss training when there is a valid reason, please email Program Coordinator and Head Coach so we can ensure the coaches are notified. This also gives us the opportunity to advise you of any updates and/or changes. If you are unable to notify us beforehand, it is your responsibility to ensure you have not missed crucial information.

Injured athletes can often be provided with adapted programs. Please inform the Program Coordinator and Head Coach as soon as possible about athlete injuries so that adaptive programming can be discussed and arranged.

Coaches are on deck during meets to attend to athletes who are swimming. Ensure you or a designate accompanies your athlete to all meets to supervise them (and other family members) between races.


Take time to learn more about the sport of competitive swimming and related activities; encourage your athlete throughout the experience and get involved yourself. Help your athlete record times and other accomplishments and cheer him/her on at meets.

Help your athlete work towards his/her goals and applaud his/her efforts and accomplishments. Goal setting is available for all. Always remember your athlete’s goals belong to your athlete. If other family members have seasonal health or fitness goals be sure to outline these, too. Help each other and celebrate everyone’s accomplishments at home!



There is much more to training than just showing up for swim practice and/or land training. As with any sport, competitive swimming demands a high degree of dedication and self-discipline. It is a precision sport in which a mere one-hundredths of a second can determine the winner of an event. To get the most out of your daily workouts, please review the following list of guidelines.

Attend practice. Attend practice. Attend practice. This is not a typo. Improvements in this sport, and your level of fitness in general, are very much a result of regular attendance and effort. It is important to be on  hand to watch and listen when the various skills are being taught and to practice what you have learned. Regular attendance will give you a greater sense of confidence. Regular, consistent effort will result in improvement and a sense of personal satisfaction.

Be punctual. Rushing in for training is not only disruptive to your teammates and coaches, it is dangerous. Regardless of fitness level, starting any physical activity without warming up your muscles has the potential to cause injuries. Be ready to train a few minutes prior to the start of practice. Ensure you are properly prepared, with appropriate equipment ready. If another training session is underway, remain in a designated area and do not disrupt your teammates and/or coaches. If you are late, report immediately to the coaches to find out what you should be doing.

Be a good training mate. In the pool, each swimmer must ‘leave on time’ (start precisely on the mark on the pace clock or when your coach tells you “go”). Swim straight, follow lane traffic patterns, be aware of your lane mates’, maintain a respectable speed and keep swimming.  Never stop except at the end of a rep (this also means to keep your feet off the bottom!) If you absolutely have to stop, respect your teammates by moving out of their way quickly. During land training, be aware of your surroundings and follow all instructions to ensure you and your teammates are safe and able to get the most out of each session.

Respect your teammates, coaches and instructors. Be a good listener. Everyone has a right to hear the coaches’ comments and instructions. Be sociable, but not when the coaches need your attention. Do not interfere with or impede the training of your teammates.

Be cheerful and cooperative. Training should be both productive and fun. Training is physically demanding. We all have good days and not-so-good days. Use your good days to motivate others. There will be days that you are not at your best; on these days remind yourself that training through the tough times will make you stronger.  

Take care of yourself. A good state of general health is a must for optimal performance. Careful attention needs to be paid to fitness, nutrition and sleep. We will help take care of the fitness and training program plan and we will provide you with nutrition information. The decision to put in your best effort at training sessions, to choose foods that gives your body nutrients with energy, and to get lots of good quality sleep are yours.

Learn from others. During your development years in this or any sport you can learn a lot from watching the way the best athletes conduct themselves during training sessions.








Summer 2023 - How to report an absence or contact coaches
